Thursday, September 5, 2013

Balekambang City Park

A stunning place near my house and i barely knew it! :D
This park was built by KGPAA Mangkunegoro VII dated October 26, 1921 as a gift to his beautiful daughters (so sweet), okay i don't wanna discuss the history of the park.

This park is really really really refreshing. if you get stress, stuck on your project, job, etc. You can walk along footpaths under the cool shade of the trees while enjoying the sound of birds, joke with some tame deer and take photos (of course). 
Not only park with big trees and tame deer, it also has a large pond (you can rent a duck boat too), a theatre (for theatrical purpose every saturday/sunday) and dinosaurs!!! Kidding man, just reptile zoo.


Solo, Indonesia. 2013.
Canon EOS 300 // Canon EF 50mm F/1.8 //  Fuji Superia 200.

Photo & Text: Ganang Dwi Ratmoko
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  1. waaa thx a lot :D udh diposting
    eh bisa ralat sedikit ga min? itu judulnya balek"A"mbang city park bkn balek"E"mbang, trims yaa
